Wednesday, November 03, 2010

The Green Carnation Prize Shortlist 2010 is…

November 1, 2010

After many hours of discussion and lively debate (and not a tantrum in sight) the judges have managed to whittle down the eleven long listed books to their five favourites.
Which are…

•Paperboy – Christopher Fowler (Bantam Books)

•God Says No – James Hannaham (McSweeneys)

•London Triptych – Jonathan Kemp (Myriad Editions)

•Children of the Sun – Max Schaefer (Granta)

•Man’s World – Rupert Smith (Arcadia Books)
 For varying reasons all the judges felt that these final five shortlisted novels were particularly brilliant and engaging in their different ways, not that we would want to take anything away from the long-listed titles as they were incredibly strong.
We didn’t initially think it would be easy to choose the final few that would make the shortlist however when you re-read books, and know you will be again in the not too distant future; you soon find that there are certain novels you want to return to again and again.
Each of these five books have that quality and the judges will have quite a mission ahead of them to find the final winning title which will be announced on December the 1st 2010.

Information about the prize. which is for gay men's writing in the UK.

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