Friday, March 23, 2012

Saucy words and seductive pictures

 Join food writer David Burton (left) & photographer Murray Lloyd for an hour-long feast for the eyes and ears.......

Murray will deliver les hors d'oeuvres – a PechaKucha style slide show illuminating the fine art of food photography
This will be followed David’s recipe for becoming a food writer, after which we’ll give him a good grilling about the sticky bits (open Q&A: BYO questions)

-           Time: 6pm, Tuesday 17 April 2012
-          Place: Agostini Room, 4th floor, Museum Hotel, 90 Cable Street
-          Cost: Travcom members $10, non-members $20, includes a welcome drink and nibbles

Register with and send cheque to: Helen Davies, Travcom administrator, at 2B Pukehana Avenue, Epsom, Auckland 1023. Ph. 09 624 5707 or email:
Payments are welcome via internet banking #06-0101-0742556-00 (including your name and ‘Wellington’ as the reference)
Please register by Friday 13 April 2012

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