Saturday, July 26, 2014

Flavorwire's Book of the Week

Book of the Week: Christopher Beha's 'Arts & Entertainments'

Book of the Week: Christopher Beha’s ‘Arts & Entertainments’

“Handsome” Eddie Hartley has “substandard sperm.” He’s been working with his wife to get pregnant, buying all sorts of expensive remedies (including $200 pillows), and now the only chance they have at starting a family is by going to the very expensive Hope Springs Fertility Center. The problem is, Eddie, a failed actor who is “good-looking in an entirely conventional way,” doesn’t make all that much money working as a drama teacher at the Catholic prep school he went to, and can’t even catch a break trying to get a job as a temp. … Read More

The 30 Harshest Philosopher-on-Philosopher Insults in History

The 30 Harshest Philosopher-on-Philosopher Insults in History

We’ve amused ourselves for a while now at Flavorwire with our ongoing survey of internecine mud-slinging in various areas of the arts: musicians, actors, authors, and filmmakers have all provided rich entertainment in the manifold ways they’ve fought amongst themselves. But for truly epic bitchiness and egotism, you need look no further than that most storied and venerable of academic disciplines: philosophy! The history of Western thought is peppered with thinkers taking aim at their peers — sometimes in a genteelly intellectual manner, and sometimes… um, less so (yes, Friedrich Nietzsche, this means you). Here are 30 of the best, from Aristotle to… Read More

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