Monday, September 15, 2014

Jane Austen fans break world record at gathering in Bath

As many as 550 gather to break the Guiness World Record for largest gathering of people dressed in Regency costume

Jane Austen Festival in Bath on Saturday
Jane Austen Festival in Bath on Saturday Photo: SWNS
Jane Austen fans believe they have reclaimed their world record for the largest gathering of people dressed in Regency costume.
As many as 550 men, women and children all gathered outside of the Assembly Rooms in Bath, Somerset - the writer's former home - to break the Guinness World Record.
Previously standing at 491 from the United States, fans turned out in their finest period clothing to celebrate the event, which was part of the Jane Austen festival.

When the announcement was made, cheers were heard around the tea rooms inside the Assembly Rooms, with the town crier calling out the results.
Beate Muller from Paris, who dressed in a sumptuous blue satin dress and white bonnet, was ecstatic at the results.

She said: "It is not just about Jane Austen, it is about a way of life which was much more elegant, much more refined.
"It is a much better way of living, there was so much more style and deportment, and people lived a wonderful lifestyle."

Every year, thousands of people flock to the city from all over the world for the event, coming from over Europe and even as far as America.
The event was part of the 10 day festival's programme of activities which is a big tourist attraction in the city. 

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