Tuesday, November 04, 2014

The Vampire That Hollywood Missed

By Leslie Kendall Dye    |   Monday, November 03, 2014- Off the Shelf

Picture a dimly lit apartment containing hundreds of shelves filled with paperbacks, hard covers and first editions. Picture a man who sits at a desk in the center of the apartment, reading for hours a day. He won’t let you open the blinds because the light might hurt the books. There are flashlights scattered and little ladders so he can find a book he wants. That’s my dad.

One day, I was hunting among the shelves for a really good read. My dad suggested Fevre Dream, by George R.R. Martin. (This was in the days before Martin was famous for Game of Thrones.) “I want a book that I can’t put down,” I said. Fevre Dream,” my dad repeated


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